ENDNENZ3&Pÿÿÿÿ.100$a242$a245$a. pp. .$a260$a500=$a`Publication Type:` $a`Update Date:` $aComments:$a520$a546$a2650$a700$a773g$p$tx1Fp$t$g ;():$g;():$g ;():$g;():$g ;:$g;:$x500  `Monograph`773`Monograph Citation`100$a242$a245$a. pp. .$a260$a500 $a520$a546$a2650$a700$a773ã$t$dIn: ed. . , , . .$dIn: ed. . , , .$dIn: ed. . , , .$dIn: . Vol . , , . $dIn: . , , . $dIn: . , , . .$dIn: . . ,  .$dIn: $g991$a—DD D H HD DDDHDH DDDDDDSLSDDD. : D. S+English Publication Type: Journal Article HSJournal Article . f‚‚‚ ‚ÿ ‚ ‚‚$‚‚‚‚‚, ‚‚ 773‚‚‚‚’ OvidSPz3950.ovid.com!Allied and Complementary MedicineAMEDF210 USMARC ANSELH?USERID1I ?PASSWORD1G000 â F Any Field*101633211F Author*AUTH100333211F Year*DATE31FTitle*433111F Exact Journal*403321001FKeywords*2133211FAbstract*62FCountry of Publication*59F Corporation*2FNLM UI*17FISSN*8  8AMED (OvidSP)OvidSPüUsually both the full and abbreviated journal titles are given, but in the even only the abbreviation is supplied, it must be moved after importing from the Alternate Journal field to the Journal field, or, the journal title must be typed in manually.